Hence two towns can grow twice faster than one merged. For some reasons I can't explain, many of my merges ended in lack of food, and it wasn't from infrastructures but perhaps from some special bonus lost. When merged you could have stability problems to manage. A bigger town will produce faster all infrastructures, with two towns you build them twice and for a slower production rate. To avoid destroy a town and lost its pop to change it in outpost then admin center. When a town starts have territory full for your own goal, and reorganize outpost would be too complex or even more expensive. With building cultures as Australian, use their special town boost for building is much more efficient with a bigger town. To lower number of city, but you need know that in general two towns merged isn't just better. When you ahve bonus from number of territory attached not globally but for one town, then merged is a tool to exploit it, beside detach and attach, or even destroy, outpost and attach.

When you have bonus for one town or for capital, typical is Mongols persistent bonus.